Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Some Cogitation

It's been a quiet few weeks for the mobile worldwide Noms HQ.  There's been a lot of reading and yoga.  And coffee - though that probably goes without saying.

So what have I been doing?  Walking around and exploring neighborhoods and public gardens, both in Hobart and Melbourne.  And hanging out at the library.  Honestly, the Victoria State Library has become my second home; I want to move in here.  Truthfully, I've been looking for the quiet; mostly I've just wanted to reflect: on travels and on news I've gotten from home.

When I was living in DC I worked at a nightclub where every band that mattered played.  You think I'm joking?  Sure, whatever flavor of the month graced the stage, but so did Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, and James Brown.  It was an unparalleled musical education and everyone who worked there was both awesome and slightly unhinged.  I fit right in.

More than any other place I've worked, it felt like family.  Even now, three thousand miles away and a decade later, I still keep in touch with most of them.  Which is why it hurt so much to find out one of them had died.  Worse still, he was one of the most enthusiastic and happy people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing and he leaves behind his wife (also a friend) and their two kids.  It's sad when anyone leaves the party before you think they should, but this feels especially cruel: like he left right as it was getting good.

The same day I found out that I'm going to be an auntie once again, for the third time.  So this holiday season there will be not one, but two new McNultys in the world - you've been warned.

So it goes.

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