Thursday, April 25, 2013


5 days
1899 kilometers
(That's 1180 miles, people!)
An absurd amount of savory pies and coffee consumed.
One road race, accidentally entered.
And a wombat named Puffin snuggled.

I survived my traipse around Tas road trip!

It was absolutely wonderful, exactly what I think traveling should be: the freedom to go where you want and do what you want, coupled with an easy to stray from plan and barely fixed agenda.  

If I had the capital, I would just buy a junker and continue my trip around the rest of Australia.  Unfortunately, the flesh is willing, but the bank account is weak.  Always, the details.

As it stands, I spending a relaxing week being in Hobart and then I'm back to Melbourne for a bit.  The rest is still being worked out.

Also, wombats are the best animals ever.  Wombat snuggles for everyone!

(world peace achieved)

Oh, and no wallabies, or any other nocturnal nibbler, was killed in the course of this road trip.

Driving on the left?


Nailed it.

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