Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cake is Great! I (heart) Cake!!!!

Giant Corporate Cooking School Rotation 3, Week 4, Day 2

This is called reverse psychology.  I have spent so much time reveling in my hatred and loathing of this class that it's probably poisoning me against what's good about it.  So as of right now, I lovelovelove it!

Or not.  But I'm trying.

One thing I do love unabashedly is iRip, a program that lets you take music from iPods and rip them onto your computer.  Before you compose your strongly worded letters telling me what a terrible person I am, how musicians are going to starve and all the good ones will stop making music and pretty soon the only choices anyone will have will be between Taylor Swift and American Idol finalists - hear me out.  I actually buy music through legitimate sources and up until two years ago had a huge CD collection dating from my nascent Pearl Jam heavy formative years.

But having moved multiple times - including having to pay to ship all of them cross country once - I decided enough!  Everything was in my iTunes anyway, so why not just sell the hard copies for profit and delight in having less shit to care about.  And I did.

Then my hard drive gave me an early birthday present this year by deciding I should start over from go and went to that Apple graveyard in the, well wherever the my computer geek guru decides it is.

You would think a complete loss of my digital life would be traumatic, but surprisingly I took it in stride.    (I say surprisingly because I'm still surprised how easily I took the news.  I expect I will have a complete breakdown about it at some point, complete with gnashing of teeth, sobbing, and tearing of flesh.)  The only thing that really broke my heart was losing all of the music.  Except I had most of it on my old PC laptop and I figured eventually I would figure out how to get it from the PC to my freshly purchased Mac hard drive.

And iRip is how I'm doing it.  I'm sure there are easier and quicker ways to go about this, but I'm never gonna be hired by the geek squad and I've always liked hitting my head against a wall to make sure it's solid.  So away I go!

The benefit so far is rediscovering albums that had been put on the back burner behind newer, shinier albums - albums I would listen to on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis back when I had idle time to do such things.  Albums that are specific to phases, years, people, places.  It's like going to a high school reunion but I genuinely love everyone and no one got fat.  I'm currently listening to the Rushmore soundtrack, and while I think Wes Anderson can be a too precious, self-important weinie, the man does know how to put together a soundtrack.

In fact, I think the class would be much improved if Wes Anderson made a soundtrack for it.  (Sidenote:  Almost everyone I know loves and owns the Rushmore soundtrack, but while most people like the Royal Tenenbaums, I don't know a single person who owns that soundtrack.  Why is that?)  Maybe if I spend the next 12 weekdays pretending I'm in a Wes Anderson movie, I will actually end up liking the class.

I'm guess I'm going to have to start wearing thick, black eyeliner and perfecting my deadpan.

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