Ironically, in exactly two months I will be getting on a plane and flying to Australia. What happens after that is unknown - well I'm assuming I will find a place to lie down and SLEEP because that is a hella long flight.
Australia is a place that has long captivated me. But even with planes and advance technology, it's far away and it takes time and money to get there. It became a reoccurring theme in my life that when I had the time (unemployment), I did not have the money and when I had the money, I didn't have the time. Well really, I never had the money. Until now.
I'm back, my lovelies!
I have been working, werking, and workin' it like you don't even know and after a solid year of saving, I am going to Oz. For two whole months.
I have so much to tell you. Working in a professional kitchen is... words fail most of the time. Strangely, I love it. Or rather not so strange, because I've certainly accrued a mountain of debt to find out.
But the plane ticket has been purchased, the electronic visa is secure, and as of this morning, my bedroom is sublet (subletted? who knows).
Now I just need to tell my (very loved) job. Eek.